Understanding Pickleball Rules and Scoring
Quick Guide
Here's a simplified overview of pickleball rules to help you get started.
Basic Rules Overview:
- Pickleball is played in doubles or singles.
- The serve must be underhand, below the waist.
- The serve is crosscourt and must land within bounds.
- The server continues serving until a fault occurs.
Service Sequence:
- Both doubles players serve before a side-out.
- Switch sides after scoring a point.
- Points are only scored by the serving team.
- Games are usually played to 11 points, win by 2.
Additional Rules:
- Double-bounce rule for serves.
- Non-volley zone (the "kitchen") restricts volleys.
Line Calls:
- A ball touching any line (except non-volley on serve) is in.
- Various actions result in faults, including out-of-bounds hits and net touches.
Downloadable Guides
Click on an image below to download the rules or a summary
Official Rulebook 2024 | Rule Summary